Java Industry Readiness Training Program
Program designed to impart technical knowledge and hands-on experience to the trainees so that they are ready to start work in any industrial project.
Course Duration:3 Months
Attend the course first, pay later !
- Java Language Features
- Development Environment Setup
- Using Eclipse
- Anatomy of Java Program
- Identifiers, Variables, Literals
- Modifiers, Data types, Operators
- Branching, Loops
- Exception Handling
- Arrays
- Object Oriented Programming Basics
- Practical uses of Object Oriented concepts
- Object oriented programming using Java
- Commonly Used classes in JDK
- Annotations
- Java I/O
- Generics
- Collections
- Streams
- Multi-threading
- Date/Time API
- Java Coding Standards
- UML Diagrams
- XML, JSON, Properties file, YAML
- Loggers
- Maven Build Tool
- Unit Testing
- Internet Protocol, IP Address, Ports
- Socket Programming
- Network Troubleshooting
- Introduction to RDBMS
- PK, FK, Table Relations, ER Diagrams
- Normalization
- Transactions, ACID Properties
- Database Programming using Java
- CRUD Application using JDBC
- Web Servers
- HTTP Servlets
- Request, Response, HTTP Methods, HTTP Status
- Servlet Container, Tomcat Eclipse Plug-in
- HTTP Session
- Cookies
- Filters and Listeners
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Creating Dynamic Content
- Front-end Technologies
- Introduction to JSP
- Components of JSP
- Using Angular
- Spring Framework Introduction
- Spring Modules - Overview
- Inversion of Control, Dependency Injection
- Bean, Bean Factory, Application Context
- Setter Injection / Constructor Injection / Reference Injection
- Bean Configuration using Annotation File
- Commonly Used Annotations
- Creating a Spring Application
- Enterprise Application Architecture
- Spring MVC
- Controllers
- Handler Methods and Parameters
- Validation
- Exception Handling
- Troubleshooting Web Applications
- Getting Started with Spring Boot
- Spring Tool Set
- REST Web Service
- RestTemplate Client
- Consuming Form Fields
- ResponseEntity
- Content Negotiation
- Postman / SOAP UI
- Distributed Application Architecture
- Controller, Service and Repository Layers
- Integrating with Front End
- ORM - Introduction
- Spring Data JPA
- Persistence Provider
- Entity Classes
- Persistence Unit, Entity Manager
- JpaRepository Methods
- Queries
- Transaction Control
- Capstone Project
- Real-world Application
- Presentation and Demonstration
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